October 03, 2010

Closed doors (for now)

   Jack is now just over three months old now. He's still as laidback as ever. He only cries when he needs something such as a bottle, or diaper change. His many "Aunts" & "Uncles" love, and adore him. And every day when I get home from work he greets me with a smile and talks his talk with great enthusiasm. Jack is a happy baby boy.

   In the last year we've had two great losses. My wife's parents both passed away. Two great, loving people that Jack will never get the opportunity to know. I know they would have loved him so much, and he would have responded in kind. As he gets older he will know them, through stories, and pictures. In videos and old memories, Jack will know his grandparents.
  At the moment my side in the family perspective has chosen to 'close the door' on me. After being stripped of every shred of patientence I had over the past year, or so, it seems I'm not allowed to stand up for myself. Whether it be a fictitious tale that others seem determined to hold onto because they want to believe it so badly. Or, it being a selective memory blown out of proportion. I appear, in they're eyes as the 'bad one'.
  Petty bull that it seems can't be forgotten, or forgiven because a strong trend of stubbornness and martyrdom. Better to be right than to be wrong no matter what the consequences I guess. So what do I do? I do nothing. In my determination, no matter my choice it will be twisted to the negative.
  Sadly my son Jack may never get to know his family. He may only get to know them through stories, and pictures. In videos and old memories, Jack will know them.