October 16, 2010

Life as we know it

   Life. It's made up, mashed together and processed and pushed into intestinal tubing. That's my interpertation of it. Simply, life is a hot dog. It's full of leftover unwanted shit and you get to make the most of it and either spin it into gold, or wallow in lips and assholes.
   I'm a mid-carder myself. I've set up a nice little life for myself, and my family. Though I may never see all my dreams come true the most important ones have. I've overcome alot of the assholes in my 39 years and removed them from my life. Some easily fading into the past, others painfully torn off my skin like a malnurished leech.

   There have a good share of lips as well. You know what I mean. The accumulation of negatives laced with just enough pity for you to listen and swallow hard. Those lips have been shut and I hope never to hear from them again.
   In high school I was a loner, the bullied boy, nobodies friend. My confidence was at an all-time low, and depression became my bunkmate for too many years. Now, my confidence is higher, my tolerance of bullies is at zero, and my opinion finally matters... to me.
  So, at 39 years old my "life" is finally breaking out of it's skin. I'm finally ready to try and spin some gold.